Ballet music


My Collection

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Easy to Count, Easy to Dance

Music for the Young Dancer

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Technique and Dance

Music For Ballet Class IV

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A Tribute to Martha Mahr

Music from Within

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Evolution of Movement

Ballet Music for Advanced Class VI

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Music for Ballet Class III

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Movement and Transition

Music for Ballet Class V

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Creation of Movement

Ballet Music for Advanced Class VII

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Ballet Music for Advanced Class I

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Music for Ballet Class II


Maria Gabriela Corral

A board certified Master Clinical Hypnotherapist with certifications in neurolinguistic programming and clinical regression, Maria Gabriela Corral is a well-known speaker, coach, and therapist, and her three CDs on relaxation techniques feature accompaniment by Aly Tejas.

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La Batalla del Perdón

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Introducción a la Hipnosis, Vol. 1

(feat. Aly Tejas)

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Self-Hypnosis and Relaxation

I would like to give special thanks to Maria Gabriela for the honor to work with her in this wonderful project where music and words join together for a sole purpose, to reach the depths of one's soul. Music is the key to imagination and I invite you to experience every detail in these CDs... when you do you will feel renewed!

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